Finlandia-katsaus 648
Další název/názvy: Finlandia Survey No 648
Žánr: lyhyt katsaus / Newsreel
Rok: 1963
Minutáž: 08:00:00
Popis: Summer is coming. Fish being loaded onto an icebreaker in the Archipelago Sea. Press conference by the Soviet Deputy Prime Minister Kosygin at Kesäranta, the official residence of the prime minister of Finland. Dinner hosted by Mr Kosygin at the Soviet Embassy. Awarding ceremony of literature grants at Hotel Marski in Helsinki. British film teacher lecturing in Finland. Car donated to technology students at Rautatientori Square. Start of the Päijänne race at the Eläintarha racetrack in Helsinki. Birds wintering in the Soviet Union (foreign material). Circus school in the Soviet Union (foreign material).
Klíčová slova: jäänmurtajat / Kosygin, Aleksei Nikolajevitš / kirjallisuuspalkinnot / teekkarit / Neuvostoliitto / ysa:moottoriurheilu / ice breakers / Kosygin, Aleksei / literary awards / technical students / motorsport / Soviet Union
Poskytovatel: Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Arkisto
Produkční společnost: Suomi-Filmi Oy
Barva: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Typ dokumentu:
Původní formát: Video/mpeg
Language: fi